
Monday, 31 August 2015


No I have not just fallen of the earth, just suffering that horrible flu

Anyway a little poem for you today.

Memories, memories
Make me cry
Make me laugh
I will never forget them.
Life, life
What is life;
Without memories?
Thank you God
For memories!
Those friends and family
Who each, in their own ways
Make my memories;
So special and precious,
to me they are.

Friday, 21 August 2015


Driving can be funny. Yes very funny.
I love each morning to find
A different funny sight
The car that likes to zigzag
Quite rudely down the road
Being a little pain
To all who dive along
Until the cop comes along
On his motor bike
They zigzagged in front of him
Hopping mad he seemed
He rode beside them
Talking as he went
It looked to as if they got
A very nice earful from him
Then there's the guy behind you
Is he mouthing of
No I just think
He's singing along
To an amazing beat
Then there is the even crazier ones
Who at the red lights
Beat  along with there whole body
To some music to there taste
There friends join in
And I all can do
Is laugh at there crazy behavior
Of cause there's the red light runners
The slow ones putting along
Ones that never indicate
All being a pain.
The ones that text and drive
I really don't know how they do it
O and even better
Cheeking up on Facebook
At the red lights
Some how I think
That to many people
Really don't care for poor me on the road.
The ones that bug me most
Are those odd little guys
Who try to get to 100km
In peak hour traffic
And have to slam on all brakes
Or hit me in the backside
I hope one day
When you can drive
That you will have a lot of fun
Within the rules of course.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Dr. Seuss

You have to love Dr. Seuss


I love this one, its so true!

Maybe I don't love Dr. Seuss any more.


I love this book!!!



I agree
I read it five times a day!

So where are you going?

I'm going to bed.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

The faith journey

Dear reader today is the day for a more serious topic. I want to write to you about my faith. You are properly thinking why do I want to write to you about this, well I want to tell you why my faith in Christ my Savior is so special to me. I hope you learn and grow as you read a small snippet of my faith journey.

As a girl I thought I was a Christian, “Yeah I went to church with my parents and believed that there was a God.” As I got to my early teens and life seemed to turn to custard over night the Lord showed me something – that faith that there is a God/believing in him wasn’t enough. Snowing me that I had to believe in what He had done for me. It was during this time that He showed me what faith really is.
Faith is more than believing, it is acting upon what you have faith in. Faith is believing that you are a sinner and doing something about it. “Really the mind goes...You are a good person, you will go to Heaven. “ Ask yourself these questions....Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stole – even a lolly from the jar in the kitchen? Have you ever said Gods name in vain? You are a lying, thief and blasphemer. You have broken three of the Ten Commandments. You are a sinner and so am I dear reader. We all are. I believe I am a sinner, do you?
The first step in faith is believing you are a sinner. Next comes the belief in God’s word that says “Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived...nor shall thieves....inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10”. Dear readers don’t become discouraged, for God brings us good news. He sent His son to die on the cross to pay for all our sins. We can have this way out through faith or believing in the way out – Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. Yes this man, the Son of God died for us – for you and me. Died to forgive us all our sins. The lies, theft, blasphemy ect.
My life was transformed by this truth. Is yours? My faith came alive. My faith became faith. It became more than just knowledge, but a lifestyle. A lifestyle of thanks to God for sending His son to die to save me. But why a lifestyle of thanks you may go? Well think of it this way. If a man ran into your house that was on fire to save you and nearly died while doing so. Would not you do everything in you to thank him? Same with us and Jesus. Jesus was abandoned by God and went into hell before He ascended into Heaven to save us. He saved us from a lifetime in Hell the unquenchable fire. If our faith is true faith we will be thankful.

So why is my faith so special to me? Because of what Christ did for me, dying on the cross. I wasn’t worth it and I can’t pay Him back, but he did it all out of love. Love makes this faith so special. It makes me feel loved and able to show love. If you love someone you have a friendship with them. I have a friendship with Christ. I can talk to Him and He answers me though His word and others. He is always there for me, in good times and bad. My faith means more than just eternal life to me it means a friendship. One in which I gave what he deserves: Thanks, honor and praise, and take from Him: peace, guidance and eternal life.

This year at youth group we have been challenged on what does it mean for us personally to be a Christian and why we are one? But for me there is a step before this question and it’s what does faith mean to me. Without true faith there in no Christianity. So what does faith mean to you? Is it the yeah I have faith that I will be saved or is it a life giving faith that leads to a friendship with Christ and eternal life. If we have the wrong idea of faith, how are we to have the right one of Christianity? If we believe faith is just knowing that we will be saved, end of story. Then the meaning of what Christianity means to us will be empty.
So I encourage you dear reader to think about faith or more specifically what your faith means to you?

Think, ponder and bring it back to God’s word

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Peace and war begin at home.
If we truly want peace in the world,
let us begin by loving
one another in our own families.
If we want to spread joy,
we need for every family to have joy.
-Mother Teresa-

Monday, 10 August 2015

Another day has passed

So today was amazing, especially for a Monday. I got my nice sleep in to 7 Oclook....yeah I know its not really a sleep in. Then I drove all the way to Otaki with my two lovely sister and Mother to go shopping. We just looked as you do. We then headed to a cafe for lunch....Yum Yum....I had a really good pie and Date scone. I am loving dates at the moment. Yes I know that sounds bad, but its only the fruit kind.....what a shame. Bumped into an old  Homeschooling friend who happened to work at the cafe....and went I do when I see an old friend. I was a nice drive home in the sunny but rainy whether. (Driving in the rain is fun)
Then as you know you get back from some where and doing nothing, well just because doing nothing is fun. And not wanting to do nothing all afternoon I started reading a REALLY good book. One that will properly boor you to bits, so I will spare you the details.
Crazy then, went I (Sorry though you needed some Yoda, :-) at Catechism. Yeah I did learn..well refresh some things, don't worry.
Now well I'm gonna finish my book in my nice warm bed and stop boring you.
Bye bye

Friday, 7 August 2015


The sky so blue above
The sea so blue beside me
The beauty of your word
Being sung with Psalms
Within my car
I will praise you O great Lord
For the beauty of this earth
The sun that comes out
Even after a heavy rain
I will praise you My Lord
For your great creation
For the life that dwells within it
Forevermore I will praise You
For every part of this world
The beauty that surrounds me
That beauty that I love
Part of the beautiful drive to work which inspired my poem.

A white layer
Cover the ground
Soft fluffy snow on it
The sun shines upon it
And it reflects more glory back
It fills you with unspeakable love
For that great God above all
Cold and wet it is
But nothing can stop the glory
The glory of that beauty
Upon the snow covered ground

Snow O snow

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Today I had an adventure

Today I had an adventure.
Don't you love those days when life is all so new (or kinda new). You feel like you learn a million things, but you didn't.

The day stated of to a cold morning start.
 Out of bed at twenty to seven. 
Porridge for breakfast then brush the teeth.
 Before bracing the cold morning air to get to my car. 
Key in the ignition
 Water bottle in hand 
to defrost my windows and mirrors you see. 
Two minuets later ready to go.
 Driving of in the beautiful crisp morning air

Of to a morning of study and fun
As training to be a nanny
Is as fun as can be.
We learnt about neurons
And how to make them grow
To grow then the right way
To give a secure life
To gain some insight
On attachment patterns
To search a bit deeper 
Into something I love
How the first five years
Of our wee little life
Sets up the base 
For the rest of our life
As each little word and action affects
A child a lot more than we seem to think.
To chat with the others
How they are finding the course
What are they loving
And learning with interest
To share similarities
Or give then ideas
On how to educate a very small child

Then of for my lunch
While sitting in my car
Listening to music
Well munching along
On good bread and cookies
Replaying the morning within my small head
Reading my Bible
And just spending time
With my precious Savoir of mine

Of to do some shopping now
What fun what fun it is to do
Especially when you find
A bargain or two
A new CD
For a couple of dollars
You can't go wrong
With a deal like that
I would have to say
What made it even better
That this was the first time
I had bought one for my very own self
Next it was a plain plastic jar
To make a cool toy out of
For nanny's need toys

Then of to the next stop 
Of a very busy day
To have my eyes tested
As I wear glasses you see
Good news I was given
They are getting better
Quite I surprise
For I once was near blind

Last but not lest
It was time to relax
With a friend of mine
For a movie and snacks
And when I say snacks
I mean chocolate and chips
About a block each
And just as much chips
So together we sat
In the movie theater
Just the two of us
Enjoying the peace
And stuffing ourselves
As we watched Inside Out
Enjoying it to the max
The funny thing is
Its all about the brain
Those little things like neurons
And memories Galore
Core Memories at that 
How interesting it was
To see what I had learned this morning
Being put into animated form
A very good job it did indeed
Of putting it into a movie form
As a side note 
I suggest you my friend
To watch it someday
You'll learn quite a lot
You may want to know this crazy fact
That in my long long life
This is only the second time I have been
To watch a movie in a theater
Crazy I know but I can't help it
I enjoyed it a lot

Then of to my car
To drive back home
Listening to my brand new CD
To reflect on my day
How amazing it had been
To learn some new things
To build on the old
To spend time with friends
And also alone
To have some fun
Making precious memories