
Sunday, 27 September 2015

I encourage you dear friends to listen to this. Maybe you could spend some time with you mum or a close friend watching it.
Its a great reminder to us all. Having so many good points that we to often let slip from our minds.

Friday, 25 September 2015

The Brain

So today I am going to boar you with some amazing facts about the brain. To be more specific what happens to the brain in stress.
Well will be looking at three main parts of the brain in total today;
Prefrontal relates and asks questions to Limbic System
Limbic System = emotions and memory

When stress hits our life the brain basically goes into a survival mode. The Brainstream starts to steal energy from the Prefrotal Cortex. As the P C (Prefronal Cortex) is all our reason, well yes you guessed what happens. We lose all ability to think it through and get out of the stress we are in. So the L S (Limbic System) goes well I suppose I have to do all the work and our emotions go crazy as a result.
 (Remember the last time you lost something important and you lost the plot, well that's why) 
In the end we just go into a state of giving up don't we, after we have spent the last so long losing the plot.

So now how about a hint on how to de-stress really fast (then focus on the problem)
Do something you love and I mean really love. Maybe its reading, cleaning or cooking. Whatever it is use this great love of yours to refocus your mind and then when your brain is working right again address the stress.
Maybe you have tried to reason with someone who is mad and got nowhere. we now you know why. So next time you have a mad person on your hands send them to do what they love, maybe even do it together. Then go over why they were mad. Since they have calmed down they will have there P C back and be able to understand where you are coming from.
(P.S. to any parent figgers. this is why when you send us to our room we get madder. 
How about telling/directing us to do something we love. 
As believe me, we don't think about what we did wrong when we get sent to our rooms)

So I hope you have learnt a billion things from this....JK
Well at lest a few,
but mainly just to aply what you have read to your live and see how it goes.
Remember we all need to be taught how to deal with stress

love this quote

The words I would say

Not quite the post I had in plan for today,
 but this song just had me in tears and I had to share it as its so me.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

 "Don't you remember how it felt 'til someone showed you the way"
This is song is like a moto for me. In a way its just feels like it was written for me. I remember what it felt like to see clearly what being a Christian means and becoming one.
 Now I want to live each breath as a light house,

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


"We love each other'

The sweetest little things that the 2 1/2 yr old, I look after says....she just makes my days.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Miss you my friends, forever and ever
One of my favorite songs at the moment.
There is just something about the line "I'm gonna love you with the truth"
Along with "When we love, we earn the right to speak the truth when we speak truth we show the world we truly love"

Each word is like yup that's so true.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Technology addiction

Hunched over in a chair
Reading you can see
The old man
Just enjoying himself
A newspaper you would think
Is grabbing his attention
But alas
No it’s the modem day technology
That has his full attention

Ipad in hand he sits there.
Scrolling all day long
Reading every little detail
That happens to catch his eye
From the latest news
To pictures of his hometown
Anything goes for the old man
Too much his wife doth cry
“He’s addicted to the thing”
“He can never remember
To make his bed”
The only time he doth raise his head
Is when food is ready

So this old man
Is as bad as the young one
The very same way they act
Head over the screen
Never lifting it
Until that word is called
That one most powerful word
For a guy that is

So the mother of sons
And the wives of old men
Are stuck in the same rut
There boys won’t read
They hardly life their heads
Just to fill there stomachs
With her amazing food
Maybe if they’re blessed
They will life their heads
Giving up there precious technology
To show you something cool

So these mothers and wives
Sit and wonder
What life would be like

Without technology 