
Sunday, 25 December 2016

Merry Christmas!

May the birth of our king make you rejoice, for he has done wonderious things for us.

He is our 
Prophet - burial spice - Myrrh
Priest - offing incense to God - Frankincense
King - a gift sutible for a king - Gold

See how perfect these gifts were for our Saviour.

Monday, 28 November 2016

God's might

God is our refuge and strength,
an ever present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains slip into the heart if the sea,
though it's water roar and foam
and the mountains quake at its swelling pride.
Psalm 46:1-3

We have such a mighty strong God and I think we often forget that fact. Only remembering it when something out of the ordinary happens. I feel that last week that something happened, not once but many a times. I feel like I had taken for granted the ground under my feet, the firmness of it. It's made me think of how much I don't thank God for what He gives me or even if I do, not often enough. He has given us stability in life. That we only tend to remember when the ground beneath us begins to shake, when plans don't go right. We forget and our trust is shaken when we do go through a time when the foundation is shaken.
The last few months have been really hard for me, I lost my footing you could say and have struggled to trust and rest in God's perfect plan and timing. With going through a job trial in which you got treated like dirt and coming away with still no work and feeling like you are not good enough is hard. I feel like I lost who I was, yet after the earthquakes I once more have been shaken to realization that God's in control, His way is perfect. To sit and be with family as the world around stopped me from the affects of the earthquakes and then the floods, it made me be able to have joy and laughter in the small things.
It's amazing how God uses advents around us to help us through things and how often the same advents affect everyone so differently. To help a town or country come closer together. Maybe a family to. We see a community form to help one another. Just as Jesus called us to do. To help those in need.
Our God is such a great God!
He is the giver of family and friends, church and communion with Him. He is God in which we have Perseverance of the saints.

And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope doesn't disappoint, became the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given us.
Romans 5:3-5

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

A God who hears

O dear Lord
Hear our prayer
Answer us great king
For you are compassionate
We cry to you
For we know you hear
Answer us now
Give us wisdom from above
Strength for every trial
Grace to show forth always
O Lord help us in our need
Give us trust in you
That in the timed
When you say no
We may think
Your plans are best
Give us patience
When you say to wait
And Thanksgiving
When the answers yes.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Child of God

You are an amazing child of God
A child of God you are
I see it in you
You shine like a light
In the way you do things
It has to be God's way
You look for Christ in others
It makes me smile so bright
It makes me love you
For Christ loved us first
My prayer for you is this
That all of life's days
You may grow in your love for God
Life hasn't always been easy
Yet you always seek our God
There in the hard days
You see God's hand on you
You laugh because in Christ you have joy
I rejoice with you
For He is in me to
You are loved
My sister
My brother

Psalm 133
Behold, how good and pleasant it is
    when brothers dwell in unity![a]
It is like the precious oil on the head,
    running down on the beard,
on the beard of Aaron,
    running down on the collar of his robes!
It is like the dew of Hermon,
    which falls on the mountains of Zion!
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing,
    life forevermore.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Blessed days

Life is full of busy days, I think we all know what it's like to be busy. I feel terrible for not posting anything in a while. I really don't have any excuse either. 
God has been so good to me over these last few months with dear visits from my special Jamie.

Jamie you are way better than me at being patient when it comes to flipping picklets, but then again you were mighty distracted by a certain someone!

Sitting in the old port board meeting room 
and trying to look posh, think I failed. 

5-8 August we spent a lot of time in Wellington doing a few sight seeing thing's and having our first dinner date, which was super special for both of us. 

I totally (Do Not) rock overalls!

Or maybe I do....

Jamie, a warrior of God's army!

Bible world in Rotorua.

18-22 August was a very fun weekend, we started of by celebrating Dads birthday and then went on a road trip to YAC Camp in Rotorua, along with my sister Danielle. It was really special to spend time studying God's work together in a camp setting. 

Dad, do we have to do an oil change for you?

Yes, reading a dip stick is really hard.

Ok, I will admit that it was fun 
and this guy is just so so dear and sweet.

Special moments!

The hands on side of you come out here, 
didn't realize you were so good at art.

Totally just chilling.

Yeah Jamie this is strange, 
I really do prefer being shorter than you.

16-18 September was a weekend were Dad planed what we did, an oil change. Have to say that I was sitting there going really, but once I got into it, we had a really nice time, a bonding time. It also was the weekend of my little sister's birthday party so we got involved and did some girlly stuff, painting jars. I have found out now that Jamie quite likes doing a bit of hands on crafts. He has a way steadier hand than I have.

The moment when Jamie wants to make something with you,
equals a special, beautiful memory to wear.

I love just being with you Jamie, you make me smile.

21-24 October was my first visit to Nelson, in which we took like nill photos. I finally got to meet his family (I had meet his mum back in July) It was really special to put character and life to these names and see the places that Jamie remembers growing up. We spent most of the time visiting family, sight seeing and meeting some of the church family down there. I can't wait to go back. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Burdens abound

These days seem so full
Time seems so short
New things to learn
Jobs to be done
Stuff to prepare
Reading to be done
Cleaning needs doing
I need a break
That's why God's so great
He's the burden reliever
If we just let Him have it
If we trust Him fully
It will be gone forever
All the cares and worries
That cloud our veiw
All the thing to be done
That make us forget about Him
So let us let go
Put God in control
Let Him guide us through
These long weary days
Were burdens just abound
Let the cares of this world
Be done away with
Let the things to be done
Be given to Him
Let us not worry
About time being short
Or that we are doing things wrong
Remember that God's in control
When we give Him the reins
Let Him take your life
And make it His own

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

My life feels a bit like this at the moment and I have to keep reminding myself to give it to the Lord. I'm going through one of those times when everything just seems bigger than it is. Trying to balance the needs with my time can be hard. It's often a struggle to enjoy it because you are so focused on just getting the thing done that you forget to learn and enjoy the small things. For me I think at the moment the biggest struggle is starting a new job, trying to get to know all three kids and not do something in a way that makes it so different from what mom or dad would do. It's trying and I often just forget to enjoy it all and slow the pace of life down.
I pray that you to may be able to just let go of somethings in life and enjoy all that you do, as you do it for the Lord. 
To not worry, but let Him take the reins

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Worship the King

Dear brother and sister
Let us worship our King
Let us draw near
On bended knee
O offer your life
As a daily sacrifice
Give it with thanks
As an offering to Him
My your heart sing with mine
Of all the wonders He has done
For the way that He loves us
Redeemed us as His
O my brothers and sisters
Let us love one another
Just as Christ loved us
Through good times and bad
Let us be there for each other
To laugh or cry 
Let us be so united
That our fellow brethrens circumstances
May affect us in a way
That we may symphysis with them
Each day may we all
Become more like our Saviour
Our brother and example
May the way that we do things
Shine like a light
To all those who see us
Wherever we are
So my brother
And my sister
Let us show forth our praise
In every possible way
By the things that we do
And the words that we say

Monday, 29 August 2016

The goal is Christ

O Lord my God
You see our pain
We cry to you in prayer
On frevent knee's
We open our hearts 
To you O Lord in prayer
You remind us that
You are always there

That you have overcome
Overcome the world for us
O great and blessed King
In the mist of life
A life full of pressures 
You O God
Are guiding us throughout
Encouraging us everyday
And you are always near
A faithful God to answer

And O Lord we pray
Keep us O Lord
As the apple of your eye
Help us to look forward 
Forward to our goal...
...Heaven with you
Life is all about you
Not the pleasures of this world
Life is about our serving you
Finding a refuge in your shadow
Like a child in its father's arms
Or chicks under its mother's wing

Let us remember
That our reward is in Heaven
A life forever with you
Death is not our end
But our greater beginning
To a life eternal with you
One without pain
Rarther a constant joy in you
So when the days get hard
And life gets tough
Remember that our goal is Christ
In Him a union perfect and glorious
And eternal life with Him.

As for me, I shall behold Your face in righteousness;
I will be satisfied with your likeness when I awake.
Psalm 17:15

Let us focus our eyes once more on Christ our goal, looking forward till the day when we shall behold Him face to face.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016


I ran out of time
Once again
It seems to fly away
In just a breath or two
So much stuff
I need to do
Never enough time to do it
Priorities are laid in place
And somethings just never get done
Time to write?
What is say!
I don't even have time to think
To much time is spent
On doing nothing at all
Well nothing worth while at all
Some days I wish
I could just pause time
Hold those precious moments
For a few more seconds each

I think we all have this problem.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Precious moments

Precious moments every day
My Lord is so good
O so good to me He is
You have blessed me with smiles
Laughter and joy
With friends and companions
They give me these moments
That make me melt inside
From the serious and tender comments
The... I love you's
I'm so happy for
And I miss you's
The weather that warms me
Deep to the core
To the jest filled moments
Of... Your such a kid
And you look terrible
The I'm bored comments
And the I'm hungry ones to
The jelious ones
And the crazy ones
At times they come
In the nervous excitement kind
But most often the kind
That just makes me smile
Each and every moment
In life is a blessing
Each and everyone
Should be very precious
Even the sad times
The mad and hard times to
Are just as precious
As the rest
So no matter how you are feeling
No matter what you've done in the past
Our God tells us
That every breath is a gift
A precious one at that
Each breath being
A precious moment in itself
That nothing we can do
Can ever make it worthless
In our Saviours eyes

Remember you are always worthy in God's eyes.
He loves you know matter what!

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Guess whos here!

Life is full of special times especially when you haven't seen them in over a year.
Wednesday morning was just great... We went a bit crazy as you do when someone hasn't slept in far to long...
...Getting out the excitement out. 

She looks like a foreigner

Monday morning selfies

Total having a good catch up!!!

Sorry the my kid side came out this morning😕


It's sunny, but freezing!!!!!!!
We were about to die.

Lunch is good.

Look at the wind and theses precious girls.

I feel so blessed to be able to spend time with this beautiful family. They are missed so often often by me.
Kaity I'm going to miss you so much you are such a dear friend and sister.
I'm going to miss you when you leave...

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Holiness, by J. C. Ryle

I pray that you may be blessed with this like I have.

Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
2 Peter 3:18

The subject of the text which heads this page is one which I dare not omit in this volume about holiness. It is one that ought to be deeply interesting to every true Christian. It naturally raises the question, "Do we grow in grace?" Let us consider the marks by which growth in grace may be know.

One mark of growth in grace is increased humility. The man whose soul is "growing," feels his own sinfulness and unworthiness more every year. He is ready to say with Job, "I am vile," and with Isaiah, "I am a man if unclean lips." The nearer he draws to God and the more he sees of God's holiness and perfections, the more thoroughly is he sensible of his own countless imperfections.

Another mark of growth in grace is increased faith and love toward our Lord Jesus Christ. The man whose soul is growing finds more in Christ to rest alone every year and rejoices more that he has such a Saviour. He sees a thousand things in Christ which he never dreamed of at first. He discovers a suitableness in Christ for the needs of his soul of which the half had not been known.

Another mark is increased holiness of life and conversation. The man whose soul is growing gets more Dominion over sin, the world, and the devil every year. He becomes more careful about his temper, words and actions. He is more watchful over his conduct in every relation of life. He strives more to be conformed to the image of Christ in all things and to follow him as his example. He is not content with old attainments and former grace. He thirsts and longs to have a will more entirely in unison with God's will.

Another mark by which growth in grace may be known, is increased spirituality of taste and mind. The man whose soul is growing takes more interest in spiritual things every year. He does not neglect his duty in the world, but the things he loves best are spiritual things. The way fashion, amusements and receations of the world have a continually decreasing place in his heart. He does not condemn them as downright sinful nor say that those who have anything to do with them are going to hell. He only feels that they have a constantly diminishing hold on his own affections and  gradually seem smaller and more trifling in his eyes. Spiritual companions, spiritual occupations and spiritual conversation appear of ever-increasing valve to him.

Another mark in increased love. The man whose soul is growing is more full of love ever year-love to all man, but especially toward the brethren. His love will show itself active in a growing disposition to do kindness, take trouble for others, be good-natured to everyone, be generous, sympathizing, thoughtful, tender-hearted and considerate. It will show itself passively in a growing disposition to be meek and patient toward all men, to put up with provocation and not stand upon rights, to bear and forbear much rather than quarrel. A growing soul will try to out the best construction on other people's conduct. There is no surer mark of backsliding and falling off grace than an increasing disposition to find fault, pick holes and see week points in others.

One more mark of growth in grace is increased zeal and diligence in trying to good to souls. The man who is growing will take greater interest in the salvation of sinners every year. Missions at home and abroad, efforts of every kind to spread the Gospel, attempts of any sort to increase religious light and diminish religious darkness will have a greater place in his attention. He will not become weary in well-done because he does not see every effort succeed. He will just work on, whatever the result may be, and count his work it's own reward.

Holiness, by J. C. Ryle

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Special times with a special guy!

I have a bit of exciting news for many of you.
Some of you I know already know and keep telling me to update my blog on the matter.

Five weeks ago today a dear friend of mine asked my Dad if he could go out with me!
Jamie is a blessing from God to me.
He is a man who shares my love for the Lord.
A guy who makes laugh, smile and cry.
Over the past weekend he came up from the south island and we got to spend an amazing weekend together. Sightseeing, going crazy with my siblings, cooking dinner , visiting my Opa and Oma....

Sunday night at youth camp, before the excitement happened. Both feeling very tired.

Two happy people.  Jamie loves my grin in this one.

Just before Jamie asked Dad. I think I wore that grin for weeks after.

Te Papa trip.

We have terrible selfy skills!!!

I miss this guy!

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


Friends are a blessing
Each and every one
God gave us friends
For He knew
That they would be there...
To help us 
To worship Him
And praise  Him together
He blessed us with then
To bring Him the glory 
So thank you my Father 
Lord and my King
For each and every friend
You have blest me
Beyond words
How can I thank you
For they are so precious to me
One more than the rest
Lord how can I thank you for him
All I know is that...
I love you!
You hold my life in your hands
I can't wait to see
The plans you have for me
So many dreams I have
And I want you to be the Lord
The Lord of them all!
Lord thank you for these friends
For the dreams they give me
Thank you my Father
I love you!

Monday, 27 June 2016

We don't have an excuse

Christ died for us, we have no excuse  live your life for Him.
Take up your cross daily and serve Him with all that is within you.

Monday, 20 June 2016

The salad

Lettuce leaves 
In bite size pieces 
Carrot grated
With brisk stocks
Tomatoes sliced
With a steady hand
A work of love
A deed of service
The act of sharing
Callused hands
Doing work
For those she loves
She knows that food
Is a way of loving
Those in her care
It's like a daily gift
To those around her
It's a work of art
One she shares with all
When about a table they meet

Two sets of hands
One meal
Two hearts that show there love
Though the act of serving
Three sets of hands
Laughter grows
Four and five
No matter how many
Hands do the work
The love is still there
An artist
Or many artists
It doesn't mater
But this i do know
That the love of sharing
Giving and serving others
Sits on the top of there heart

So next time you sit at a meal
Look at the food
Not just as food
For it is an art filled with a love
Love from the cook

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Lazy me

I have been terribly lazy at posting lately. My life has just run away and I have acquired a few unwanted bugs that have kept me at home and in bed. Sinus infections are not nice. So now I have a list of things I need to catch up on and a blog post was not on the top.

My life is pretty exciting!

Tomorrow I am sitting my full license test. 
Scarry, well kind of, but mostly I can't wait.
 As I am going to pass it(always thinking positively). I am trying to decide whether I'm going to go crazy and celebrate it with a bunch of friends.

On Friday we are supposed to go away as a family to visit my cousin in Hastings for like the first time in forever!

I just got told I need to update my Me page. Now do I write a whole new one, tweak it or just add an update on it? I don't know.

O and do you know how fun it is to bug people! 
We had a movie with this song on it way back in the days and it's really catchy and drives everyone mad!

So long from lazy me!

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Light to the world

The world is darkness 
Cold wet and miserable 
Inside am warm
Warm and full of light
My Saviour Jesus Christ 
Is living in my heart
I am warm
Too many are cold
I want to shine my light
In this cold and wet world
This little light of mine
Jesus let me shine
May your light in me
Cast a ring of light within
A dark and lost world
Hide it under a bushel, no
Lord let it shine forever Lord
Never let it hide
Lord I love to be your light
Shining in the dark
I love to show your love
In this dark and cold world
May all your children 
Shine brighter each new day 
Let your light prevail 
Over darkness every day
Lord we all look forward 
To the coming day
When darkness is no more
And lightness never fades

 We live in a dark world, but let us never forget that to our God....
even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you. 
Psalm 139:12
... there will always be light!

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Queens birthday camp

You are not alone !
What a truly blessed topic to dig into on a weekend with youth of the same mind. Brothers and sisters in Christ . Our God has blessed us with the need to not be alone. With God we are never alone for we have His Spirit living within us. Remember even in the days when you feel along, you need only to pray for the Lord to remind you that you are never alone.

Draw near my child
You are not alone
Let me take your burden 
Cast your cares on me
I am your Father
Your Lord and your King
I only are your help
You are never along
When you are with me
I will never forsake 
Never no never
For you are my child
I long to talk to you
My grace is sufficient 
I am the only strength you need
Come and open your heart
Let the pain inside flow out
Confess your sin
I will forgive you
I am the king of forgiveness 
Remember my child 
You are always mine
Never along you are
You are safe in my arms
Rest like a babe
Because with me 
You are never alone 

Friday, 27 May 2016


Bless all those 
Who are dear to me Lord
Direct there paths
Fulfil their dreams
Bring joy to their lives
Be with them always 
Help them to trust
Trust the you
O God of all creation 
Hold them near
Touch their lives
Use them to bless
Many more lives
Help them to be
A shining light for you
Lord I know you are with
Every one of your children 
You are our Father
We love you so much

You guys are a blessing to me.
May the Lord bless you far beyond what you imagine.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The love of giving

These just days when you feel like giving and today was one of them.
To bless an other person is an act of love.
So today I rolled up my sleeves and did some baking for my Oma and Opa. 

I have to admit cookie dough is like so much fun to just knead.

Half way through and I'm rolling out and cutting.
Yeah I know plan old circles.....

...not for long!
I got this cute cookie stamp the other day. 
They say "made with love", "home made" and "eat me"

They looked sooooooo goooood!

Not to mention cute.

It as nice to see the look on One's face when I gave them to her.
You made these? I'm going to eat one right now. I love home baking.
It was so sweet a moment and touched my heart.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

A tree of God's

But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;

trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever will give You thanks forever, because You have done it,
And I will wait on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.
Psalm 52:8-9

I am the Lord's
In His house I do dwell
He has planted me in His garden
I am like a tree
Thriving in His rich word
Producing fruit in season 
My roots go deap
He holds me firm 
His love to me is great
He tends me with loving care
A care ever faithful
He prunes away
My sinful habits
Grafts in new desires
O my previous Lord
Your care makes me cry
Your love I don't deserve 
I lift up my life to you
Take my desires
Make them yours alone 
I am yours forever 
Your hand will lead me all my days
I see it in my life 
Each day my Saviour I will wait on you 
For your plan is best
Through days when I am confused 
Trubbles or distress
I know your hand will be there
Holding onto me
I treasure those who love you Lord
To be with them is greatest joy
Together we wait on You
As each day of life goes by
I love you more and more
You give me things 
I don't deserve 
Lord I can't express my thanks
My words fail at the task
Lord you know my heart
You read it well
Aspect my thoughts I can't word

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Salvations story reflected in our life

When we acknowledge the way God allows  our stories to display the ultimate story of his mystery; The hope found in His Son. The beauty of His story is discovered.

I heard the quote this morning and it struck me.
I love this fact that our lives can reflect the most beautiful moments in human history, that is the redemption plan.

One of the things in God's plan that strikes me most is that He didn't just die to save us, He died to make us His own children, to be our Father.
I love the way this is reflected in the home. In every part of our life. For me I treasure it, especially in my close friends. Ones that are basically family . 
The friends that I look at and see them as my siblings. Siblings you could say through adoption in Christ. Every time I am around them it reminds me of the beautiful truth that I am adopted by Christ.
The very fact that they are brothers and sisters in Christ. The fact that our friendships on earth reflect so much of God's redemption plan, is precious. To know that every part of my life reflects parts of God's most gracious love for us
For me to be with these friends, in there homes, just helping with the everyday things like dishes and having fun with there siblings is like the way God is in each of our own homes. He's not just the guy who want to hang out when there's fun to be had. No rather He's the God who is present in every moment of our life. The basic everyday tasks to personal moments spent in each other company though pray, Bible reading and worship.

Let us remember this as we go through our everyday advents.