
Friday, 27 May 2016


Bless all those 
Who are dear to me Lord
Direct there paths
Fulfil their dreams
Bring joy to their lives
Be with them always 
Help them to trust
Trust the you
O God of all creation 
Hold them near
Touch their lives
Use them to bless
Many more lives
Help them to be
A shining light for you
Lord I know you are with
Every one of your children 
You are our Father
We love you so much

You guys are a blessing to me.
May the Lord bless you far beyond what you imagine.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The love of giving

These just days when you feel like giving and today was one of them.
To bless an other person is an act of love.
So today I rolled up my sleeves and did some baking for my Oma and Opa. 

I have to admit cookie dough is like so much fun to just knead.

Half way through and I'm rolling out and cutting.
Yeah I know plan old circles.....

...not for long!
I got this cute cookie stamp the other day. 
They say "made with love", "home made" and "eat me"

They looked sooooooo goooood!

Not to mention cute.

It as nice to see the look on One's face when I gave them to her.
You made these? I'm going to eat one right now. I love home baking.
It was so sweet a moment and touched my heart.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

A tree of God's

But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;

trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever will give You thanks forever, because You have done it,
And I will wait on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.
Psalm 52:8-9

I am the Lord's
In His house I do dwell
He has planted me in His garden
I am like a tree
Thriving in His rich word
Producing fruit in season 
My roots go deap
He holds me firm 
His love to me is great
He tends me with loving care
A care ever faithful
He prunes away
My sinful habits
Grafts in new desires
O my previous Lord
Your care makes me cry
Your love I don't deserve 
I lift up my life to you
Take my desires
Make them yours alone 
I am yours forever 
Your hand will lead me all my days
I see it in my life 
Each day my Saviour I will wait on you 
For your plan is best
Through days when I am confused 
Trubbles or distress
I know your hand will be there
Holding onto me
I treasure those who love you Lord
To be with them is greatest joy
Together we wait on You
As each day of life goes by
I love you more and more
You give me things 
I don't deserve 
Lord I can't express my thanks
My words fail at the task
Lord you know my heart
You read it well
Aspect my thoughts I can't word

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Salvations story reflected in our life

When we acknowledge the way God allows  our stories to display the ultimate story of his mystery; The hope found in His Son. The beauty of His story is discovered.

I heard the quote this morning and it struck me.
I love this fact that our lives can reflect the most beautiful moments in human history, that is the redemption plan.

One of the things in God's plan that strikes me most is that He didn't just die to save us, He died to make us His own children, to be our Father.
I love the way this is reflected in the home. In every part of our life. For me I treasure it, especially in my close friends. Ones that are basically family . 
The friends that I look at and see them as my siblings. Siblings you could say through adoption in Christ. Every time I am around them it reminds me of the beautiful truth that I am adopted by Christ.
The very fact that they are brothers and sisters in Christ. The fact that our friendships on earth reflect so much of God's redemption plan, is precious. To know that every part of my life reflects parts of God's most gracious love for us
For me to be with these friends, in there homes, just helping with the everyday things like dishes and having fun with there siblings is like the way God is in each of our own homes. He's not just the guy who want to hang out when there's fun to be had. No rather He's the God who is present in every moment of our life. The basic everyday tasks to personal moments spent in each other company though pray, Bible reading and worship.

Let us remember this as we go through our everyday advents. 

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Worthless of your love Lord

Who am I that you saved me
Nothing but a sinful human am I
Yet you loved me
You chose me before time began
You predestined me to be yours
Not because of what I would do
Rather because of your love for me
You sent your son to die for me
On that bitter cross
I am nothing
But a fleating breath
Like the flowers in the fields
But your love O Lord
Forgets all that
You see me in your Son instead
You hear me always
Though small I am
You give me peace
Through every storm
Your arms are there
They hold me tight
When in the pits of sin I dwelt
It was you alone who downward reached
You pulled me out
Held me tight
Guided me to follow you
You waged a war
Against the devil
You saved my soul
Your love is so great.
I am nothing but a worm
Yet you love me still
Give me a love
Like yours my Saviour
For I love you My Lord

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Hike with God

Let us hike through life
Hike along side our God
Let us find strength in Him
For He is a God
A God who cares
Who directs our paths
He will be there
Through every valley and mountain
He's the companion ever true
Never does He leave for a minute
When the trail gets tough
He will give us strength
When we come to a fork
The best Man is in our mist
 He is the living water
Our rock to rest on
A Redeemer always ready
A Father when we need a hug
The King to rule us
A Prophet for advice
A Priest - our sacrifice
Who wouldn't want to hike with Him
For God is with us - Emanuel 
Jehovah Jirah - our provider
So don't fear the hike your on
For a hike with God
Jehovah Jirah
Is all planed to profection
You'll never be alone
Don't fear
God walks beside
Hand in hand
The greatest guide of all

Our God has so many different characteristics that I can't name them all, but one thing I know He's my guide on this hike.

Friday, 6 May 2016


O quiet all around
Not a noise to be heard
Wifi off
Book in hand
Blankets, bed and pages
With delightful words
Out of this world I go
Into one on the pages
Do not disturb
Until I have finished
Don't break the quiet
Just listen for the faint page turning
Let me dwell 
On my Saviour
Let me read
Let words strengthen me
Let God calm me

Reminds me of the rain we had on Thursday. The cosy atmosphere it created, making you want to forget the world and burry yourself in a good book by the fire with lots of cookies. 
I love how rain is like a soothing lullaby straight from God. It's like it's His way of saying,
 Just relax, I have your whole life in my hands. 
Rest in me!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Mud pies to princesses twirls!

Two sweet hands
Playing in the mud
Ten fingers 
Mixing mud pies
Up to the elbows
Mud in the hair
Legs covered
Ground too
All in the fun
Of making mud pies

Into the tub
A bubbly one
Water splashing
Soap flying
Washing clean
Face smiling
Clean toes
Clean face
Rubbed dry
Clean clothes
Warm and cosy
All around

Sweet words
Wish granted
Hot dogs on bread
Tummy satisfied
Hands wiped
Smiles abound

Music on
Dancing begins
Twirling, twirling
Here we go
Dancing across the floor
Laughter abounding
Giggles sounding
Quick steps
Slow ones to
On and on she goes
Showing mummy
Proud as punch
Dancing like a princess
Twirling round she goes
Tired girl
On the floor
Happy face
Well worn out

Days with sweet Abigail are the best. Little three year old with the most beautiful character. My days with her are filled with little moments that touch my heart. Her I love you's and pure laughter. The little girl arms that have grown to big girl ones around my neck. 
It's hard to believe that it's almost been a year since I meet her.
Boy the time has passed and she has grown.