When we acknowledge the way God allows our stories to display the ultimate story of his mystery; The hope found in His Son. The beauty of His story is discovered.
I heard the quote this morning and it struck me.
I love this fact that our lives can reflect the most beautiful moments in human history, that is the redemption plan.
One of the things in God's plan that strikes me most is that He didn't just die to save us, He died to make us His own children, to be our Father.
I love the way this is reflected in the home. In every part of our life. For me I treasure it, especially in my close friends. Ones that are basically family .
The friends that I look at and see them as my siblings. Siblings you could say through adoption in Christ. Every time I am around them it reminds me of the beautiful truth that I am adopted by Christ.
The very fact that they are brothers and sisters in Christ. The fact that our friendships on earth reflect so much of God's redemption plan, is precious. To know that every part of my life reflects parts of God's most gracious love for us
For me to be with these friends, in there homes, just helping with the everyday things like dishes and having fun with there siblings is like the way God is in each of our own homes. He's not just the guy who want to hang out when there's fun to be had. No rather He's the God who is present in every moment of our life. The basic everyday tasks to personal moments spent in each other company though pray, Bible reading and worship.
Let us remember this as we go through our everyday advents.