
Friday, 29 July 2016

Precious moments

Precious moments every day
My Lord is so good
O so good to me He is
You have blessed me with smiles
Laughter and joy
With friends and companions
They give me these moments
That make me melt inside
From the serious and tender comments
The... I love you's
I'm so happy for
And I miss you's
The weather that warms me
Deep to the core
To the jest filled moments
Of... Your such a kid
And you look terrible
The I'm bored comments
And the I'm hungry ones to
The jelious ones
And the crazy ones
At times they come
In the nervous excitement kind
But most often the kind
That just makes me smile
Each and every moment
In life is a blessing
Each and everyone
Should be very precious
Even the sad times
The mad and hard times to
Are just as precious
As the rest
So no matter how you are feeling
No matter what you've done in the past
Our God tells us
That every breath is a gift
A precious one at that
Each breath being
A precious moment in itself
That nothing we can do
Can ever make it worthless
In our Saviours eyes

Remember you are always worthy in God's eyes.
He loves you know matter what!

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Guess whos here!

Life is full of special times especially when you haven't seen them in over a year.
Wednesday morning was just great... We went a bit crazy as you do when someone hasn't slept in far to long...
...Getting out the excitement out. 

She looks like a foreigner

Monday morning selfies

Total having a good catch up!!!

Sorry the my kid side came out this morning😕


It's sunny, but freezing!!!!!!!
We were about to die.

Lunch is good.

Look at the wind and theses precious girls.

I feel so blessed to be able to spend time with this beautiful family. They are missed so often often by me.
Kaity I'm going to miss you so much you are such a dear friend and sister.
I'm going to miss you when you leave...

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Holiness, by J. C. Ryle

I pray that you may be blessed with this like I have.

Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
2 Peter 3:18

The subject of the text which heads this page is one which I dare not omit in this volume about holiness. It is one that ought to be deeply interesting to every true Christian. It naturally raises the question, "Do we grow in grace?" Let us consider the marks by which growth in grace may be know.

One mark of growth in grace is increased humility. The man whose soul is "growing," feels his own sinfulness and unworthiness more every year. He is ready to say with Job, "I am vile," and with Isaiah, "I am a man if unclean lips." The nearer he draws to God and the more he sees of God's holiness and perfections, the more thoroughly is he sensible of his own countless imperfections.

Another mark of growth in grace is increased faith and love toward our Lord Jesus Christ. The man whose soul is growing finds more in Christ to rest alone every year and rejoices more that he has such a Saviour. He sees a thousand things in Christ which he never dreamed of at first. He discovers a suitableness in Christ for the needs of his soul of which the half had not been known.

Another mark is increased holiness of life and conversation. The man whose soul is growing gets more Dominion over sin, the world, and the devil every year. He becomes more careful about his temper, words and actions. He is more watchful over his conduct in every relation of life. He strives more to be conformed to the image of Christ in all things and to follow him as his example. He is not content with old attainments and former grace. He thirsts and longs to have a will more entirely in unison with God's will.

Another mark by which growth in grace may be known, is increased spirituality of taste and mind. The man whose soul is growing takes more interest in spiritual things every year. He does not neglect his duty in the world, but the things he loves best are spiritual things. The way fashion, amusements and receations of the world have a continually decreasing place in his heart. He does not condemn them as downright sinful nor say that those who have anything to do with them are going to hell. He only feels that they have a constantly diminishing hold on his own affections and  gradually seem smaller and more trifling in his eyes. Spiritual companions, spiritual occupations and spiritual conversation appear of ever-increasing valve to him.

Another mark in increased love. The man whose soul is growing is more full of love ever year-love to all man, but especially toward the brethren. His love will show itself active in a growing disposition to do kindness, take trouble for others, be good-natured to everyone, be generous, sympathizing, thoughtful, tender-hearted and considerate. It will show itself passively in a growing disposition to be meek and patient toward all men, to put up with provocation and not stand upon rights, to bear and forbear much rather than quarrel. A growing soul will try to out the best construction on other people's conduct. There is no surer mark of backsliding and falling off grace than an increasing disposition to find fault, pick holes and see week points in others.

One more mark of growth in grace is increased zeal and diligence in trying to good to souls. The man who is growing will take greater interest in the salvation of sinners every year. Missions at home and abroad, efforts of every kind to spread the Gospel, attempts of any sort to increase religious light and diminish religious darkness will have a greater place in his attention. He will not become weary in well-done because he does not see every effort succeed. He will just work on, whatever the result may be, and count his work it's own reward.

Holiness, by J. C. Ryle

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Special times with a special guy!

I have a bit of exciting news for many of you.
Some of you I know already know and keep telling me to update my blog on the matter.

Five weeks ago today a dear friend of mine asked my Dad if he could go out with me!
Jamie is a blessing from God to me.
He is a man who shares my love for the Lord.
A guy who makes laugh, smile and cry.
Over the past weekend he came up from the south island and we got to spend an amazing weekend together. Sightseeing, going crazy with my siblings, cooking dinner , visiting my Opa and Oma....

Sunday night at youth camp, before the excitement happened. Both feeling very tired.

Two happy people.  Jamie loves my grin in this one.

Just before Jamie asked Dad. I think I wore that grin for weeks after.

Te Papa trip.

We have terrible selfy skills!!!

I miss this guy!

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


Friends are a blessing
Each and every one
God gave us friends
For He knew
That they would be there...
To help us 
To worship Him
And praise  Him together
He blessed us with then
To bring Him the glory 
So thank you my Father 
Lord and my King
For each and every friend
You have blest me
Beyond words
How can I thank you
For they are so precious to me
One more than the rest
Lord how can I thank you for him
All I know is that...
I love you!
You hold my life in your hands
I can't wait to see
The plans you have for me
So many dreams I have
And I want you to be the Lord
The Lord of them all!
Lord thank you for these friends
For the dreams they give me
Thank you my Father
I love you!