
Thursday, 23 February 2017

Youth Camp and other adventures

There is the saying that goes something like this - Every girl has that one guy friend that everybody insists he is more. So true! Jamie was that guy for me even if it took me a while to admit it. 
Today marks a special day in which we shared our numbers with each other. 

Over the past months I have been so blessed with many of you my friends asking me how he is and how we are both going. This has been so special for me and gives me a chance to tell me of how the Lord has brought us to this day. One of the things that you guys always say that makes me laugh is the, "You guys are so Cute!" Like really come on? Me cute..... You have got to be kidding. Yet I suppose it must be true because you keep on insisting. I will try to believe you I promise.

This year started with a youth camp, at which as usual everybody told us we were cute. So cute they thought that we deserved the cutest couple at camp award. It was a great camp inspite of being cute...... Well that was kinda cool to. Most of the time was spent trying to beat Jamie in a card game or taking a, dare I say it, a romantic walk or sweet hug. So maybe that's why you thought us cute...Well I can't change that now. 

Nelson is beautiful, the parks and historical house's, 
Beaches for walks in the sunset
Boat trips and eating out
Yet most of all the people whom I am so blessed to get to know. To go out for coffee and have dinner with them. To listen to there advice or story's of how they fell in love. To worship and share communion with them. Something I look forward to having more of in the future.

The things guys make you do.....
Go to the speedway.......It's OK....Not as bad as I thought.
Walk bare feet on stones...humf
Get up on time......Yeah I suppose that's a good thing.
Yet when I think about it the billion good things outweigh those small things.

Auckland, uggly and far to busy until you take the long drive out into the peace and still of the country. A place to listed to the birds, going swimming in the creak. Walk in the middle of the road and just talk as girls do.

I know that whatever kind of adventure God gives you or me. They are perfect for use. Taylor made. 
I look forward to many more that God has in plan and the fulfillment of Jamie's and my dreams

Wednesday, 8 February 2017


I always thought that people become sentimental when they start to get old but, I'm sure that is wrong now.
It's more when you start to make memories like these......

Being together...


Reminders of the "Footprints" poem.




The moment when someone gets my not possed smile!!!!


Memories make us what to have a keepsake, something sentimental. Photos defently are a way of having that. 
I feel so blessed that last time I was in Nelson visiting Jamie, his sister got such beautiful shots of us just being ourselves.