
Thursday 24 December 2015

Christmas Time!

May the Lord bless you at this time of year.
 May you feel the true joy of , Jesus Christs birth.
Let us join together and praise
And living Savior
The best gift of all.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Star Wars

So guys..... today I watched the new Star Wars.
 Now I'm going ti kill it for you all.
*laughs evilly*

No i wont kill it but be prepared from so old people, like heaps of new ones. Basically no romance, well apart from my favorite line, "You still drive me crazy" A plot that was so different from what
I expected that's full of red and blue flying things ( :-p )
Now all I want to know is what comes next....
goes away crying......
all the Jedi are dying...
will they ever return
Will bad become normal
All the good guys will be gone
What will we do
Come on
I need to know
When the next film 
Is coming out

Tuesday 15 December 2015

It feels like Christmas when...

For all of us there is that certain moment in December that makes it feel like Christmas. 
For me its singing carols. The moment when you hear those rich words of a good old carol and your heart just begins to sing. Voice rising above the worldly fancy's of the season. A voice that proclaims the blessedness of the birth of a Savior.

Image result for singing christmas carols back view

Christmas is truly about the gift of a Savior. For many of us we give gifts to each other; our family and friends. Yet sometime I believe that in the misted of all the gift giving we forgot to proclaim the real gift of the season. A gift that not only the world around us needs, but also those who already know about this blessed gift we have been given.

 Image result for empty manger

Take time this year to enjoy the best gift of the season. To talk about what if means to you. Share what really is that moment that makes it feel like Christmas to you. Yet most of all join your voices in praise as a thank you to our God. For without Him we wouldn't be blessed with this so great a gift .

Image result for star in the sky

Friday 11 December 2015


Its not very often when a sermon speaks to you in such a way that you feel compelled to write a poem. A few weeks back we had a sermon on Lords Day 9. LD 9 is very beautifully written especially the last two lines. Its really a confession. 

Almighty God so high above
Stooped down to earth
For us bellow
So praise the Lord
The Almighty Lord
For showing goodness
To us all
Giving Grace to us once more
Almighty God
O giver of life
How can we not praise you
Praise you enough we can’t
Power to create
To create every cell
To bring life to earth
Providing for it all
The Almighty God
Directs it all
Safe we are forever
Nothing can change His mind
Nothing at all
Praise the Almighty God
Praise our deliverer
Evermore and evermore
Great and mighty deeds
Never ending for we know
That this Almighty God
Will never die at all
Almighty Powerful God
Speak and we know your power
For all obey your voice
So let us praise our God
Our Amazing Almighty God
Forever and ever we will praise
Praise you till our death
For we are your servants
Praising you our God
Almighty God I praise you
Praise you for all you’ve done
Praise you for you love
I love to praise your name
Praise you for your strength
For your beauty my Saviour
It is my greatest pleasure
Let this pleasure never waver
O Almighty God
I trust you for I know
You will provide for me
Always love to praise you with
For you are Almighty God
With your help
I will reject idols
The idols of this world
Thank you Almighty God
Who helps me through this all
I will praise you O My Lord
Forevermore and evermore

Image result for siluet of raising hands

Lord’s Day 9

Q. What do you believe when you say,
“I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth”?

A. That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who out of nothing created heaven and earth
and everything in them,
who still upholds and rules them
by his eternal counsel and providence,
is my God and Father
because of Christ the Son.
I trust God so much that I do not doubt
he will provide
whatever I need
for body and soul,
and will turn to my good
whatever adversity he sends upon me
in this sad world.
             God is able to do this because he is almighty God                 and desires to do this because he is a faithful Father.

Let us join together and praise our Almighty Father forevermore

Wednesday 9 December 2015

My Graduation

A special day for me, the day I graduated from my study.
Some of you were asking for pictures, so here is a bunch alone with my wee speech.
Morning tea with little cousin and the sweetest girl ever

This is fun goes baby girlly

Presentation time 



For as long as I can remember, I have loved children. Back in November 2014 I made up my mind with a path of action. I was going to take the PORSE nanny internship. After a 6 month “gap year” I stepped out into the unknown world of study.
Over these past 21 weeks a new world has been opened to me. One in which I have enjoyed to the max. Through completing my Level 3 National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care, I have learnt far more than I ever thought possible. I have come to look at wee little Children in a different way than before. To see everything they do as learning and growing, to be able, through observations and planning to help children grow in all areas through planned play. To help them to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society. Using the principles, strands and goals of the Te Whaariki as an aid in doing this. I feel great joy and achievement as I watch a child learn and grow in leaps and bounds through expanding on their loves. 
Along with observation and planning comes brain development, a topic that grabbed me right from the start. This topic is for me a base behind planning and observations, so that I can plan in a way to continue to grow children’s minds, not only with skills and good memories, but also with new words and facts.
Through this all I have been blessed  to “work” beside some amazing people;  my three classmates that kept Wednesday mornings lively, Vicky who always was there to help us with our books, Marcia who worked quietly behind it all, Susan and her lovely visits  once a month. But especially the beautiful family who opened there doors to me as a nanny intern, by making me feel at home right from the start and  giving me the wonderful chance of caring for their daughter, who, while I watched, changed from her little girly 2 ½ self into a big 3 year old girl. The support that they you gave is amazing. Especially (you) Laurian as whenever I had an assessment that involved your family, you made me do it to my max. You expected a lot from me and I thrived from it. Thank you!
Thank you also to Vicky Marcia, Susan and PORSE in general for your amazing work and support that you have given so that I could fulfil a dream. Thank you so much.

Me and the little girl I look after + her mother.

Lets go for a run

Me and my three classmates

Us interns and our families that we worked with
(The ones that could make it)

Bubbles...yes I need bubbles

Proud girl

Lets blow them together

Special lunch

Proud grandparents 


Friday 4 December 2015

Dark woods (5)

Dearest Daddy
The wee girl whispered
I want to thank you
But how do I 
Thank a Daddy like you
When I cried
You were there
When I needed help
You gave it
You told me to wait
So I did
And you answered me
Lead me to this place
A place of light
Away from dark woods
You never left me
Yet you could have
But no you loved me always
In the dark woods
When I felt so lost
You loved me
When I was lost
In the dark times
I love you my Daddy
I will praise you my Daddy
For you gave me your map
And lead me out
Out to the peace
Out to the light once more
I love you my Daddy
When into my heart you whisper
When you hold my hand
I may be little Daddy
But my feelings are big
Yet you are bigger than them
I love your safe arms
That are a comfort to me
I’m going to sing
I’m going to dance
For you my Daddy
Because you saw me
You helped me
You were there for me
When I cried
I am small
But big I will become
Even when I’m big Daddy
I will dance and sing
For you are the one
Who deserves my praise
You are the one
Who made me feel loved
When I was alone
Darkness isn’t dark Daddy
When I’m with you
Because you are my Daddy
You gave light to me
I love you my Daddy
Forever and ever
I will sing and dance
For you

I think for all of us we can relate. We have all gone through those dark woods of life. What our reaction to those times will differ, but I hope that as you have read through these 5 poems that you may see the importance of praising God in the hard times as well. We all remember that we need to trust...though most of us find it hard to. For me praising was not something I had really thought about until lately.. When God my precious Savior brought it to my attention, through Bible readings, Family devotions and sermons. I have to say the Lord has His ways of bringing things across to us. Lets us show Him our love form Him by praising Him at all times.
May God bless you. 

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Dark woods (4)

Days came and went 
As the little girl walked
Walked through the dark woods
Yet light was beginning to appear
The woods weren’t so dark
As she followed the map
With her dear Daddy's help
The woods become lighter
Lighter each step of the way
Daddy she smiled
As she looked in His eyes
I love you so much...
For you never leave me
You whisper to my heart
You know everything
And a map and guide you’ve given
All because you love me
I love you my Daddy
She cried to the sky
Arms in the air
As she danced out her joy
You’re leading me out
For light I see
A light that grows
Day by day
A light that I know
My dearest Daddy
Will one day be
All I can see
I love you forever Daddy

With our Daddy the end will come in sight if we follow His guidance and wait patiently in Him. It will not be a sudden thing but a growing light

Friday 27 November 2015

Dark woods (3)

Asleep the little girl was
Safe in her Daddy’s arms
Though the woods around
Is dark and scary
Sleep the little girl did
Not a care did she have
For she was safe
Safe in her Daddy’s arms
She stirred and awakened
Got up and stretched
Thank you Daddy she whispered
For staying with me always
Into her heart
Her father whispered back
I love you my precious child
The little girl reached up
Her hand once more
This time a hand she didn’t meet
Instead her dear Daddy
Gave her a gift
A map out of the dark woods
Thank you Daddy she beamed
You are the best Daddy ever
Her father reached down
Taking her hand
Together they read the map
Some parts were easy to understand
Others weren’t so
But always her Daddy
Was there to help her
Showing her what the map meant
So together they walked
Hand in hand with each other
Through the dark woods
Map always near
To guide the way through.

Friday 20 November 2015

Dark woods (2)

In the dark woods
The little girl walked
Hand in hand with her Daddy
Slowly a voice
From inside her swelled
Soon a song of praise
She sang out loud and clear
"Lost in the woods
But safe all the same
In my dear Daddy's arms
Thank you my Daddy
Ever precious Daddy
For never leaving me
On days like these
Always near you are
To comfort and to help
I love you my Daddy
Forever and ever
I love the way
You hold my hand
Telling me to wait
That in due time 
You will show me the way
You saved me from
Being scared all day
You saved me from the dark woods
Never will I have to fear
That I will be here forever
For you dear Daddy
Made me a promise
When I first became your child
A promise that said
You will never leave me
That you will always be near
I love you my Daddy
For all that you've done
I will praise you
My whole life through"

I hope you enjoy the carry on from the last one. My aim is to write three more as type of a story.  :-)
The 1st one you may have noticed is about our great caring father. This one about praising Him through life's storms.
The next ones you will have to wait and see.

Monday 16 November 2015

Dark woods

Lost in the woods
The very dark woods
Lost and lonely the little girl felt
Daddy! she cried
As she reached out her hand
Show me a way out quick
Her father reached down
Taking hold of her hand
He whispered into her heart
In due time my child
I will lead you out
But for now fix your eyes upon me
So the girl looked up
As he held her hand
Saying, Daddy!
Just don't let go of me
You are bigger and wiser
Than everyone else
So help me to trust you always
As she walked through
That very dark woods
She felt safe and cared for
As her trust grew and grew
In her Daddy who knew
So much more than she ever would

I hope you get the imagery of it. :-)

Wednesday 11 November 2015


Hello there, 
I feel quite lazy and can't think what to post. Then I though maybe I should just say how special you guys are to me and how much I miss you. I don't think you can ever fully explain in word the treasure that friends are and how dear they are. How they can just say one word and it fixes life, making you laugh until you die from laughter. Sometimes I just have to think of something to say to one of you guys and I can see your whole face and the laughter in it.
So don't forget how special you are.
And just so you know......ITS LIKE JUST OVER A MONTH TO CHRISTMAS!
Then its new year.....2016 scary I know.
But I better fly and do some things that need to be done this year, NOT NEXT.

Sunday 8 November 2015

A lazy life

Another day has passed
As slowly as the last
With weather fine and cherry
To bring a spring
To our days
The list of things 
That grows and grows
Never seeming to shrink a bit
Thinking thinking
Is done all day
But never any move is made
Lazy life
Late nights
Sleep needed
So of I go

Monday 2 November 2015


Today I want to take you on a journey. The beautiful journey of prayer;  A journey that through my telling, I pray that you will be encouraged.

  Pray is not easy, I speak from experience. I look back at my life 4 or 5 years ago and remember how i would pray the same thing every evening. It was just part of routine. It wasn’t really prayer, just some words that were becoming tradition to me.
It was about this time that a cousin of mine left the faith. I wasn’t close top this cousin at all, but while I watched the family around me grieve, I began to pray. Really pray I mean. I remember how every night I would pray begging God that this cousin would repent, begging so hard that I would cry. As the month went by it got harder and harder to continue to pray, but what kept me going was the truth that I had come to realize, that prayer is not just something we do because it’s asked of us, but that is a conversation with Him and that it comes out of our love for Him, just like talking nonstop with our best friend. So should our prayer life should be. Still it was hard because pray is not this easy conversation, for we have to wait for the answers and in this case it took months
  Pray is hard but rewarding as I found out. After 8 months of constant praying and begging God changed this cousin’s heart. It was the first little step that they took, but it was the best answer to prayer ever. For me it took prayer to that next stage for me, from hard to not quite so hard.
  Over the years I look back and thank the Lord for that time. For showing me what prayer really is. That even though it’s hard and at times painful and full of longing for a better life. It’s the thing that helps to bring peace and gives me patience as I wait for many answers.
At one time I had nothing to pray for, but then I opened my eyes and heart to those who have become my closes of friends. Through then I have a prayer list to long to count. From trials that they are facing to salvation for those that are dear to them. From wisdom to justice to be done. For health to good exam results and this list goes on and on. Not a day goes passed without me hearing of somebody new that needs prayer. Not a day when I’m not praying silently most of the time for those who are struggling. Not a day when I regret the power and blessing that prayer is. Not a day when I’m not praying for the peace of Jerusalem. 
Prayer hasn’t only changed my life but the lives of many Just by them knowing that I am praying for them to the answered prayers in due time. 

I ask you dear reader to be open to those who need prayer. There are far too many people out there to count that needs it. Over the past 2 weeks I know 3 people who are in hospital for major health reasons or illness. Three families grieving over the death of loved ones and too many people to count that are struggling each day to carry on. The fight for justice for many more. Yet don’t forget that prayer is also for rejoicing in those whose families are growing whether through babies or marriage.  

So be open and ready to pray. Grow in your prayer life by first of all praying for your needs and then those of others. Feel the true power of prayer. Keep it up even when it feels like it’s going nowhere. Keep a prayer log book that you can look back at years later and see the Lords great providence in the prayers that have been answered. But most of all remember that prayer is the communication of two friends the friends ship of Daughter/son and their heavenly Father. 

Prayer is hard but rewarding in the end!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
“May they prosper who love you.
“May peace be within your walls,
And prosperity within your palaces.”
 For the sake of my brothers and my friends,
I will now say, “May peace be within you.”
Psalm 122:6-8


I love this one that I wrote like forever ago. 
I was reminded of it again when I saw a policeman down the road and just had to post it.
 I have to say its a very powerful sound.
 The sound of a policeman's pocket opening.

Policeman's Pockets

Velcro pockets, O that tearing sound.
The sound of policeman's pockets opening.
Full of stuff,
O that stuff;
Handcuffs, torches,
Pads and pens.
Full of wondrous stuff.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Visited a day care yesterday and this was on the wall. I thought it was so cute. Plus I saw lost of hugs. Some people just know how to make kids feel loved. 

I had to laugh though because it sounds like good advice when looking after kids because hugs fix everything.

Sunday 25 October 2015


So I was diving to work on Thursday and it was cool traffic is good...Wait maybe not. How nice an accident. It took me 1.5 hours to get to work. I was sick of driving at snails pass by then. On the way home is was looking forward to a nice drive. I worked until 6 so traffic would be pretty light, but alas and alack there just had to be another accident. So after driving 3 hours like a snail in total I was about to explode. As you can imagine, so please crazy people drive like humans.

Lovely traffic
Or maybe just not
Do you know how fun
O how fun it is
To drive 30km
At 20km an hour
O traffic
Really nothing can say
How much I love you
You make me feel 
Like a slow slow snail
O what fun
For I have always
Wanted to be
A snail
A wee snail
Crawling of to work
I think its time
People drove right
Not crashing and making
O making me a snail.
I think I would rather
Not be a snail 
Unless you want

To be one to.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Summers coming

A little blab about the weather lately.
 Beautiful weather I would have to say.

Sky, O sky
So blue so beautiful
Not a cloud 
My eyes can see
O sky 
What blueness
Blue to the very edge
The shy so blue
The wind so soft
The sun upon my back
Sun, O sun
What bliss to feel
Feel that heat of yours
Upon my head
Upon my arms
Warming me
To my very bones
How I love
That summers coming

Wednesday 14 October 2015


Its been a while since I talked about life.
Its not something I am very good at I would have to say. For it goes by to quickly and there is never enough time to write about it.
At the moment I am almost finished study (PORSE nanny internship) Very scary in a way. I am loving it to pieces and finding it far easier than I though. You would have to be pretty dumb to not get it. So I have like 6 weeks left of books. Fun, fun, fun, it will be good that they are all done but kinda sad to, as they are a lot of fun. (Even when you can't spell anything, health and safety are the worst) I have learnt a lot and refreshed my mind just as much also. The practical side of it (21 hours of in-home work with a family) Is just the best. Like there can be nothing better than a cute (well most of the time cute) kid. I look after a little girl who is very nearly 3. Its amazing how much she has grown since I stated back in July. She has turned into a little girl before my eyes. She loves dressing up and dancing, but best of all has quite a sense of humor and goes crazy at times with it. Just like me. She has started being a copy cat, (Cuteness attack) We were eating afternoon tea yesterday and whatever I picked up to eat she would eat and when ever I had a drink she would do the same. Sweet girl she is. They are going away for 5 weeks soon and I am going to miss her to much
Anyway...before I boar (Wrong boar I'm sure...but hey its spelled right) you I will talk about other things.
Over the weekend I went up to Whanganui with the family for a friends 18th. So much fun!!!
Now I better start at the beginning. So we left late Saturday morning after my big sister had opened her birthday prezzies. I got to drive :-) because Dada had massive sinus headache and Mum don't dive distant. So I got to try and not kill everybody driving a beast of a van stuffed full of people and stuff. (Mum always takes sooooo much stuff) all the way to Bulls (then Dad drove) We got there in one piece after I made everything fly at the end of our street by not applying the brakes not soon enough; Me bad! So we arrived mid afternoon after I had sushi for lunch..yum, yum..and did the stranded things you do when you arrive at a destination. After diner it was party time. And this was not any was a (English Country) Dance party. So basically I got to do what I love and dance the night away. Having loads of fun just dancing away with a butch of people that I didn't know (well most of them) Trying to hold conversations with some of them was horribly hilarious, but others was like people tell me I talk to much. I am not bad at all. So after a lot of fun I was time to head back and thing I can never do after a Dance. But I did get there in the end. Sunday was Sunday you don't need to know anything about that. Well maybe the fact that us girls talked about guys.....wait you didn't need to know that at all. Monday we headed home after saying goodbye to every man and his dog it felt. I slept most of the way home. So good that stuff is.
So good that it reminds me I need it right now
So I will have to go,

So long
Dear reader,
Come back
I say!
Do it soon
For I will be,
Posting more stuff
For you to see


Thursday 8 October 2015


O creaking.
What is that noise.
The door moves
The noise ceases!
But wait!!!
Who is that creature
A villain in disguise
Who made the door move
With such dreadful creaking?
I look again,
But nothing I see
Then realisation hits me.
The wind.
O the wind!
What a mysterious creature you are
Whistling along
Making things creaky
Never ceasing
In your sneaky play.
A friend you are 
On a hot, hot day.
But then again
That sneaky visitor
Whistling down my hall.

Monday 5 October 2015


Yes I'm just giving you an other sermon. 
But its something I know that we could all do with a reminder or a lesson.

Five phases that got me are;
ask your spouse, ask your kids (ask your siblings). 
Do they think you are compassionate?
Verbal abuse. 
Are you using verbal abuse...I suggest you look up the term
Knowledge puffs up. 
Are you just fulling yourself up on knowledge, does the word affect you and make you weep?
Domestic violence in the church
This happens because we have no compaction in the church
Having everything but love
We have everything but true love for God and others. So we can't even have compaction because it comes from God.

I pray that you may listen to this sermon. Ponder it and reflect.
Let this happen.

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
 And see if there be any [n]hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
Psalm 139:23-24

Let your heart be broken, let your heart be softened once more.

Saturday 3 October 2015

Character trait

I don't know about you, but I have always wanted to write a book. I'm just one of those people that does not seem to have the time for the sort.
The other day I wrote this poem as you could say a character in a book. The emotions that they would experience. 
I hope you enjoy it...

Standing alone
As a victim
Can anyone truly understand
Is the cry going out
A cry of
Abandoned once
abandoned always
How can I trust
When I feel abandoned so
So the victim cries
Never getting close
For fear of abandonment
Trust that never grows
The longing for love
But the fear to get close
The rather of being without
Than facing again abandonment
So the victim stands
So alone
 In pain she cries out
Yet those who stop to listen
Never understand
Will there
O will there
Ever be one
 who truly understands
So the cry goes out
Days turn into weeks
Weeks into months
But nobody seems
To care or notice
The ones supposed to be there
Never seem to care
They punish anger
Which really was a cry
Help me, I am a victim

For me to understand alone
So they cry
With every second breath
They feel like a shell
The real me killed
This is just my body
Living this lie
I can't help the way
I act toward you
This is not me
Just my shell
That was left behind
The wound is deep
They cry
O they cry
The wound is so deep
Anger and silence
Flashing out of a person
Who is just a shell
Trying to show
They are wounded inside
So punishment comes
The wound grows deeper
Someone sees the real person
Someone breaks the pain
Send me that someone
The victim cries out
Before it's too late
Someone who sees who
I want to be
Who I really am
Not just this shell
Someone who brings joy
Joy and understanding
So great that the wound
May just begin to heal
A healing through great love
An understanding heart
To show that you are priceless
That abandonment won't come
So trust can build
It's self again
A relationship a new
So while the wound
Is still there
Joy and peace

Will shine through.