
Saturday, 3 October 2015

Character trait

I don't know about you, but I have always wanted to write a book. I'm just one of those people that does not seem to have the time for the sort.
The other day I wrote this poem as you could say a character in a book. The emotions that they would experience. 
I hope you enjoy it...

Standing alone
As a victim
Can anyone truly understand
Is the cry going out
A cry of
Abandoned once
abandoned always
How can I trust
When I feel abandoned so
So the victim cries
Never getting close
For fear of abandonment
Trust that never grows
The longing for love
But the fear to get close
The rather of being without
Than facing again abandonment
So the victim stands
So alone
 In pain she cries out
Yet those who stop to listen
Never understand
Will there
O will there
Ever be one
 who truly understands
So the cry goes out
Days turn into weeks
Weeks into months
But nobody seems
To care or notice
The ones supposed to be there
Never seem to care
They punish anger
Which really was a cry
Help me, I am a victim

For me to understand alone
So they cry
With every second breath
They feel like a shell
The real me killed
This is just my body
Living this lie
I can't help the way
I act toward you
This is not me
Just my shell
That was left behind
The wound is deep
They cry
O they cry
The wound is so deep
Anger and silence
Flashing out of a person
Who is just a shell
Trying to show
They are wounded inside
So punishment comes
The wound grows deeper
Someone sees the real person
Someone breaks the pain
Send me that someone
The victim cries out
Before it's too late
Someone who sees who
I want to be
Who I really am
Not just this shell
Someone who brings joy
Joy and understanding
So great that the wound
May just begin to heal
A healing through great love
An understanding heart
To show that you are priceless
That abandonment won't come
So trust can build
It's self again
A relationship a new
So while the wound
Is still there
Joy and peace

Will shine through.


  1. This is seriously one of my favorite ones that you have written.
