Visited a day care yesterday and this was on the wall. I thought it was so cute. Plus I saw lost of hugs. Some people just know how to make kids feel loved.
I had to laugh though because it sounds like good advice when looking after kids because hugs fix everything.
So I was diving to work on Thursday and it was cool traffic is good...Wait maybe not. How nice an accident. It took me 1.5 hours to get to work. I was sick of driving at snails pass by then. On the way home is was looking forward to a nice drive. I worked until 6 so traffic would be pretty light, but alas and alack there just had to be another accident. So after driving 3 hours like a snail in total I was about to explode. As you can imagine, so please crazy people drive like humans.
Its not something I am very good at I would have to say. For it goes by to quickly and there is never enough time to write about it.
At the moment I am almost finished study (PORSE nanny internship) Very scary in a way. I am loving it to pieces and finding it far easier than I though. You would have to be pretty dumb to not get it. So I have like 6 weeks left of books. Fun, fun, fun, it will be good that they are all done but kinda sad to, as they are a lot of fun. (Even when you can't spell anything, health and safety are the worst) I have learnt a lot and refreshed my mind just as much also. The practical side of it (21 hours of in-home work with a family) Is just the best. Like there can be nothing better than a cute (well most of the time cute) kid. I look after a little girl who is very nearly 3. Its amazing how much she has grown since I stated back in July. She has turned into a little girl before my eyes. She loves dressing up and dancing, but best of all has quite a sense of humor and goes crazy at times with it. Just like me. She has started being a copy cat, (Cuteness attack) We were eating afternoon tea yesterday and whatever I picked up to eat she would eat and when ever I had a drink she would do the same. Sweet girl she is. They are going away for 5 weeks soon and I am going to miss her to much
Anyway...before I boar (Wrong boar I'm sure...but hey its spelled right) you I will talk about other things.
Over the weekend I went up to Whanganui with the family for a friends 18th. So much fun!!!
Now I better start at the beginning. So we left late Saturday morning after my big sister had opened her birthday prezzies. I got to drive :-) because Dada had massive sinus headache and Mum don't dive distant. So I got to try and not kill everybody driving a beast of a van stuffed full of people and stuff. (Mum always takes sooooo much stuff) all the way to Bulls (then Dad drove) We got there in one piece after I made everything fly at the end of our street by not applying the brakes not soon enough; Me bad! So we arrived mid afternoon after I had sushi for lunch..yum, yum..and did the stranded things you do when you arrive at a destination. After diner it was party time. And this was not any was a (English Country) Dance party. So basically I got to do what I love and dance the night away. Having loads of fun just dancing away with a butch of people that I didn't know (well most of them) Trying to hold conversations with some of them was horribly hilarious, but others was like people tell me I talk to much. I am not bad at all. So after a lot of fun I was time to head back and thing I can never do after a Dance. But I did get there in the end. Sunday was Sunday you don't need to know anything about that. Well maybe the fact that us girls talked about guys.....wait you didn't need to know that at all. Monday we headed home after saying goodbye to every man and his dog it felt. I slept most of the way home. So good that stuff is.