
Wednesday, 30 March 2016

18 years!

It's hard to believe that I've been around for 18 years today.
It's even hard to believe that it's been a year since I turned 17.
I look back at my life and see in amazement the way the Lord has worked in me. In ways I never would have imagined!
Our Lord is so great, His work in me is the work of a true artist.
I want to share with you one of the Lord's most touching moments in my life with you...

Lonely I was
Thirteen and lost
Who was there to talk to
But God
Were was a friend
Who I could treasure forever
So I bent my knees and prayed

"Lord I love you
You are a friend to me
 I know you have plans
Perfect plans for me
You will always be here
I can always talk to you
But there are days
Days when I long to talk
Talk to another human
Lord! Give a me friend
Just one O Lord!
One is all I need
Lord! Help me trust you plan..."

So I sat
Sat and waited
Sometimes patiently
Other times in frustration
The Lord had plans
Ones especially for me
He headed my frustration
He answered me
Blest me
So much more
 than I ever dreamed
So much quicker
Than I thought possible
In the span of time
Of a few weeks
He answered me
Giving me a friend
Yet not just one but two!

As weeks rolled into months
Months into years
These friendships were deepened
More blessings came
God's plans kept unrolling
Until he gave me...
Everyone of you
Each and everyone
So precious you are
So now again
I bend my knees and pray

"Lord not a day goes by
When I don't remember the friends
Friends that you have given me
They are like treasures Lord
Ones that have changed my life
Giving me joy
Laughter and good times
Lord bless them all
Shape them into creatures
More and more like you
Hold them in you hands forever
Lord bless them!"

I want to thank you for all that you have been to me.
Some of you have been my friends for years others months, yet each and everyone of you are as special as the other.
I know this is my day, but in my heart it's really your day. I know many of you don't know the real impact you have had on my life, yet without you I wouldn't be were I am today. I wouldn't have the peace, joy and faith in my Saviour if it wasn't for you driving me on. I wouldn't have the hundreds of good memories; groggy mornings because we still haven't learnt to go to bed on time, fat letters, long phone calls, waking up to your texts, dying in laughter, play fights, bad food, teasing our siblings, have the opportunity to pray for you, encourage you, listen to you. To ultimately walk this heavenwould road with you.

Friday, 25 March 2016

An Angels sermon for us

I pray that you will take some time away from the business of life to reflect on the resurrection of our precious Saviour!

5 The angel said to the women, 
“[a]Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. 
6 He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. 
Come, see the place where He was lying.
 7 Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead;
and behold, He is going ahead of you into Galilee, there you will see Him; behold, I have told you.” Matthew 28: 5-7

A call, a mission, a sermon in three short verses. One from an angel at that; it has just four main words; Come, See, Go and Tell. How can a sermon be preached in a few words? Come, see we will go and I will tell you. Come we are told to come, will we listen? Come, we are told to come; will we listen to this Holy call coming from out of the angel’s mouth? Or are you being held back; if you are, by what? What is holding you back from the presence of the Holy God? Your sin, fear that you are not good enough, radical from others. You know that deep down inside you are searching for Jesus, but you are afraid. So He is calling you through these words out of the mouth of His messenger angel. Come He is saying to you, yet still we stand afraid, so even before that He has told us “Don’t be afraid.” Yes He knows you are afraid, so that is why He starts with these words to us “Do not be afraid.” So come and do not be afraid. Come and See why we need not be afraid to come. See where He was lying; as we Come and See. We see the place where He was lying. Why was He lying there? For you and for me. He was lying there bearing the terrible weight of our sins upon Him. See what He has done for us. He has taken our sins that cover us and has placed them upon Himself. We see the pain and torment that He has gone through, all because of us. But it does not end there, why for we see where He laid not where He is lying. He is gone; gone for us to. He is raised for us, risen so our sins could be paid for. Realization hits us. He did this for me, so that I may be free, free from sins and alive. No longer needing to be afraid to come to Him and see what he has done for us. With realization comes belief. We look back and wonder why we took so long. Why did I take so long to come? Why was I so afraid, because we did not see. But now we see and believe. Believe that this was done for us. We are humbled and feel gratitude to this great and awesome God that He would do such a thing for a sinner like me. Being so amazed all we can do is stand, gasping and trying to comprehend. We do not want to leave, but another commanded is on the angel’s lips. GO! Why do I have to go is the first thought that enters our minds, I just want to stand here a while longer. Maybe that is why there is that little adjective here telling us to go quickly. God knew that we were going to be very tempted to just stay around, full of wonder. So we are told to go quickly. Why to go quickly? So that we may tell; to go and tell it when our heart is still full of awe and amazement. A fresh telling, not one that has gone stale – for we left the yeast to long and it lost its entire raising agent. Do I really have to go and tell? Why do I need to tell? Cast your mind back to that day when you were five and you had just learnt to read and you came home shouting, “I can read!” “I can read!” when great things happen to us, is not the first reaction, let’s go and tell. As a kid we did it straight away, but as we have gotten older we tend to leave it for a while and when it comes to telling the joy and amazement are no longer really there. So what should we tell and how? Tell what you saw – That Christ really died and rose; that this was done for me and you, so that we may come without fear before a Holy God, complete and without sin; for our sin has been crucified and buried with Christ, and we have been raised anew and made alive in Him. Tell them that they can have this amazing transformation, if only they heard; Gods call to Come and See and with the seeing, believing that this was done for oneself. We are to tell from the heart; from our own experience of transformation and what it has done for you. Let it be a heartfelt message, coming from the deepest place within you. Full of the fresh love, gratitude, amazement and awe that it has filled us with. Tell that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. Preach a Gospel of Christ’s victory over the cross and sin. As you read you are beginning to think; I can’t do this, I have no guts, I will just mess up. This is why the angel ends with a promise “He (The Holy Spirit) is going ahead of you into Galilee” (7c); He will provide the strength for you, paving a path so you can go and tell. “There you will see Him” (7d) How will we see Him? By knowing who to tell, for He will guide you, going ahead to prepare the path and heart of the person. You may also be blessed with seeing Him come into the person. Do not expect them to come and see straight away. Be persistent in your telling, always stopping to renew your story in God’s word to keep it fresh. Now my friend; Come, See, Go and Tell; do not be afraid to Come and See. Do not wait to go and tell, do it quickly for the time of the second coming is at hand. Heed the word that you have been told, for no excuses will save you. As the angel says “Behold, I have told you,” You know, so now my friend heed these four little words; Come, See, Go and Tell.
  This Easter Go and Tell once more of the saving work that Jesus Christ has done in your life. “Behold, I have told you.” So now heed the word of the Lord and continually come before Him and see what He has to tell you. Then Go and Tell those around you.; never stopping in this four word cycle. I repeat; Come, See, Go and Tell.
  Dear reader, maybe you are thinking, but I never Came to See. So what does this mean for me. The call is there for you to. Come and See what Jesus has done for you. Read about in Gods own Holy word. Read the first four gospels of the New Testament and see what He has done for you. See what He has done for you and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe and have Faith and you will be saved. Saved from the torments of hell; being made alive in Christ. 
So dear readers my prayer for you will be that whether you are a believer or not you may fully grasp the real message of Easter this year.

If we take the message of Easter and merely go out with a mystical gleam in our eye and say, “Oh, isn’t it wonderful that Jesus rose from the dead?” and let that be the end of it we are not much better than the liberal theologians. But if we say “Jesus rose with a real body  in a real world and in a real way and with a real voice  commissioned His disciples to do real work, until they in His own time die and are raised again also in real bodies to be with Him,” then we have grasped the point and can live differently.  (The Christ of the Empty Tomb by James Montgomery Boice page 173)

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

The cross

This weekend as we remember Christ's death and saving reserrection for us. May we truly see that without the cross we would still be lost and lonely siners, left to die.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Glorious stars

I look at the stars in the sky
There little lights are shining
Shining for our Lord
The air is cool
The breeze refreshing
I love you Lord
So I raise my hands
Only for my King
A song of praise stirs within
My voice I lift in song
My heart sings out to you
Praises, praises for my Lord
My hands raised to heaven
A symbol of thankfulness within
Thankfulness that I can't hold inside
So I raise my whole being
As an offering of thanks
My Lord is so great
So great that He gave His son
To be the saving offering
For all who believe
Who were predestined long ago
As under His stars I stand
I give all of me
Foe all He's done for me
Take my life
Lord its yours alone

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Praying woman

She closed her eyes
She bent her knees
Her heart she poured out
To her Lord
"Be with them
My heart bleads"
There lives touched her heart
Her fears flowed
As she cried out for those
Those who she knew were hurting
Braking inside
Needing God's peace
She went through her life
On the lookout for others
Then hours upon her knees she would spend
Praying, O praying
For the needs of them all
With every thankful praise
She watched and rejoiced
As her Saviour forfiled all there needs

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Great words

Psalm 111 
 Praise the Lord!
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
    in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
2 Great are the works of the Lord,
    studied by all who delight in them.
3 Full of splendor and majesty is his work,
    and his righteousness endures forever.
4 He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered;
    the Lord is gracious and merciful.
5 He provides food for those who fear him;
    he remembers his covenant forever.
6 He has shown his people the power of his works,
    in giving them the inheritance of the nations.
7 The works of his hands are faithful and just;
    all his precepts are trustworthy;
8 they are established forever and ever,
    to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.
9 He sent redemption to his people;
    he has commanded his covenant forever.
    Holy and awesome is his name!
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
    all those who practice it have a good understanding.
    His praise endures forever!

Every time I read words like these, inspried by God, yet written with the hand and personal touch of a man, my writings seem like nothing.
What is man in regards to God? Aren't we but dust?
Yes we are but dust, yet dust that God has given beautiful talents to.

Sunday, 13 March 2016


Friendships are a piece of art
Each so different and unique
One with brights
Others with darks
Some with every color there is
Different textures
Different sizes
All beautiful in there own way
Pieces of art that don't collect dust
Always to treasure
To love and admire
To add new colors to
To help paint each other
Into pieces of art for our Lord
Art that shines forth
Shines glory all around
Friendships are the best art around

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Cleanup time

Don't we all love the mess our bedrooms get into after Christmas and summer. Well today I did a big cleanup and tried to throw out some things, but I came across problems like these.
The old Bible cover.
"But this has so many good memories to it! The sermons, caticisem lessons that I brought it to. The days of school work and just plain old reading. I know it's just the cover but how can I get rid of it?"
Sensibility won out and to the bin it went.

The loom band craze.
Yes even I was sucked in. Plus received a few. I know that there life time is limited, but how could I get rid of these two? Ones from my cousin and one from my friend Beth.  Maybe next time.

Visits from my cousins in Ausi. The sweet little gifts they give, this one reminding me they will be here at Easter!
Can't wait to see them all!

The little magnet my besti's little sister gave me the last time I saw her. Miss them so much. I just couldn't part with this one.

The Allen key I used when doing work for Dad. Those times are over. All those fun weekends unplugging and replugging computers.
That one get returned to the owner, don't have much use for him.

The chocolate I can't bear to eat. 
The thought of eating something I got at my graduation, is just unbearable.
Yes, I'm really weird.

How many books do I need lying around with tabs in important bits or quotes. I'm just terrible at tiding up my billion books.

Now if only I had cleaned up earlyer and then I could have put this guy to good use.
Will I ever learn......Nop!

But hey at lest I finerly cleaned it all up.
Now time for some chocolate.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Childlike faith

I want to share with you a story. The story of a girl who was about six at the time.
For the past four years I have helped run a club called SUPAkidz. The purpose of this club is to give primary age children a small taste of the Bible through Bible stories incorporating the schools vulue for that term. The children has to have permission from parents to come. This little girls story moves my heart every time it comes to mind.

Every week she came without fail!
She would sit there taking every word we said in. She loved the stories and was always ready to ask and answer questions. You could see her great love that she had for SUPAkidz. The way she would run in the door every Wednesday. Ready for yet another game, Bible story, song and craft. But it all changed one day when her mother removed her permission for her to attend. We missed her a lot and were saddened with her mother choice.
It was about a term later that we noticed her there. Siting very quietly amid the other children. Policy being policy we had to take her aside.
Here was a girl that loved the Lord. Who sat amongst the others for about a term, unnoticed. 
With the initiative far beyond her years. She took on her father's last name, not her mother's. She ran the two together. 
We watched her go in tears.
 With awe we stood there and pondered that a child so young would think of something like that.
For many weeks after would she would come to us, every time we went round telling the kids SUPAkidz was on. Her words will never leave me.
" I love Jesus, but my mum doesn't"
" I pray to Jesus at home when mums not looking"
" I hate it when she says bad things about God"
" Mum doesn't love God but I do"
And many more.

This is the faith of a child.
One who puts many of us to shame.

Let us too become like this girl!
 Let us not hide our faith and love for our Lord at work or school.
 If a six year old can show this unwavering love for Him, even to the point of taking on a different name. Why can't we even; pray before we eat, ask those around us to not use blasphemy...

Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it ar all
Luke 18-17