
Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Childlike faith

I want to share with you a story. The story of a girl who was about six at the time.
For the past four years I have helped run a club called SUPAkidz. The purpose of this club is to give primary age children a small taste of the Bible through Bible stories incorporating the schools vulue for that term. The children has to have permission from parents to come. This little girls story moves my heart every time it comes to mind.

Every week she came without fail!
She would sit there taking every word we said in. She loved the stories and was always ready to ask and answer questions. You could see her great love that she had for SUPAkidz. The way she would run in the door every Wednesday. Ready for yet another game, Bible story, song and craft. But it all changed one day when her mother removed her permission for her to attend. We missed her a lot and were saddened with her mother choice.
It was about a term later that we noticed her there. Siting very quietly amid the other children. Policy being policy we had to take her aside.
Here was a girl that loved the Lord. Who sat amongst the others for about a term, unnoticed. 
With the initiative far beyond her years. She took on her father's last name, not her mother's. She ran the two together. 
We watched her go in tears.
 With awe we stood there and pondered that a child so young would think of something like that.
For many weeks after would she would come to us, every time we went round telling the kids SUPAkidz was on. Her words will never leave me.
" I love Jesus, but my mum doesn't"
" I pray to Jesus at home when mums not looking"
" I hate it when she says bad things about God"
" Mum doesn't love God but I do"
And many more.

This is the faith of a child.
One who puts many of us to shame.

Let us too become like this girl!
 Let us not hide our faith and love for our Lord at work or school.
 If a six year old can show this unwavering love for Him, even to the point of taking on a different name. Why can't we even; pray before we eat, ask those around us to not use blasphemy...

Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it ar all
Luke 18-17

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