
Monday, 29 February 2016

A blessed weekend

This past weekend I had the fun task of driving my mum and two sisters up to Hamilton to witness the baptism of my cousins wee baby girl.

I have to say it was a lot of fun, but most of all a time that the Lord used to refresh me Spiritually.
Driving for hours on end through God's most wonderful creation does something to me. Just the pure details and ever changing different landscapes shows how magnificent that my God and Creator is. There are times like these that I can't even comprehend the greatness of Him.
To treasure the ability that God has given to man to build and design the countless things we rely on ever day. The things that make its possible to go on such trips. 
It was special to have such a time to listen to music, sing, praise and pray to my Father as I drove along. To worship Him with everything in me. To give back to Him just a small thanks for what He has done for me while longing for a heavenly home were I can give Him the full praise the He alone deserves.
In the midst of these two drives was a day full of the blessings of the church family. Children are a gift from the Lord, infant baptism is just one way that He uses to show how precious the children of believers are. To be able to witness this sign and seal that the Lord gave us so long ago. To hear the word of my Lord be preached and to grasp more meaningfully some of the passages of His word. To be able to share this great time with not only the family and friends around me, but also those who live further away through the blessings of texting and phone calls. To cry as I look at this little girl, this little new life and remember once more the greatness of my new life in Christ. To let this wee little life bring back the days when I to was born; born into the family of God. To ponder the faith of the smallest around us, the children. To treasure them as I look, remember, ponder and treasure my new life in Christ. To compare the growing and maturing up of a child with our growing in faith and knowledge of God. To pray to my Saviour and King and thank Him for this little life through which He has shown me so much through one simple meeting. To thank Him for guiding me so far and promising to lead me the rest. For the peace, laughter, joy, thankfulness and friends He alone has so richly blessed me with. Ones who with me treasure daily the new life in Christ. To be able with these friends to talk about all He does in our lives, to encourage and be encouraged through them. To pray for and with them to the greatest thing in our lives,
The Lord Jesus Christ!

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