
Wednesday 31 January 2018

Be Still

Be Still and Know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10a

Here God is asking of us to lay aside the thoughts of life and focus on Him.  While the sons of Korah wrote this long ago through the Holy Spirit, it still holds so much significants for today.
We live in a world that doesn't want us to be still. A world full if deadlines and instant gratification. A place were we are to busy to listen for God's voice and a place were we are to busy to think. We are a culture that doesn't know how to sit still and think without dropping if to sleep. We no longer know how to be still. Our relationship with our Father in heaven suffers for it. We suffer, yet we don't even realize.

Make time... 
We do for many things we love. Yet with God we find it hard. Yet our time with Him is the most rewarding. 
He is the reason we are alive. That we wake up each morning. Have food to eat and a place to live. He alone is the giver of all blessings! 
Don't forget that....!
Thank Him and be still.

Monday 22 January 2018

Raspberry the dream

We all go through life having dreams. Dreams we desire to be forfilled. Sometimes we dream and wait patiently knowing that the time is not right. Other times we dream and talk about it for it is a possibility.
Everyone has dreams, some that come to pass and some that never do. Life is full of God saying yes, no or wait. As human beings we never fully understand how God works, He is to far above us.
I think so often when God gives us a yes we do a little dance and run into whatever it is, forgetting to even think of the one who forfilled this dream. If we do remember we often grumble, what took you so long! I didn't want it yet...
Let us seek to learn to praise God whatever the answer.

I want to tell you of my dream. A dream I have had for many many years.
I have decided to name this dream 


You are a dream
I have had for years
A dream I knew 
That waiting was best
A dream I thought
May never come true
A dream I had
To trust God with
O God you took
It to your heart
You told me wait
Trust me, My child
But trust I did
My God knew my heart
So after many years
He took me, one step
On the journey ahead
Now I knew
That waiting would be
Long or short
Hard or easy
That God's timing
Is always best

I talked about you
Before you were here
We wondered, How long?
You came in a blink
A blink of an eye
I prayed
Please let this dream live
You lived and grew
I really treasure you
Thank you God
For your forfillment
This great blessing
You placed upon us
This little raspberry
Growing each day
Under your caring hand
And our loving gaze

Monday 15 January 2018

Living in Nelson

Over three months have passed since Jaime and I got married and nearly three since I came to Nelson. Life is certainly different, part from moving out of home and getting married and part from different towns.
There is the loves and the I miss moments.

The weekly shop all by myself
Cooking whatever I feel like eating
Free time
Not waiting for Jamie to text back
Reading all day
Doing the washing
Phone calls from family
Snuggling in bed on Saturday morning
Fruit trees

Things I miss;
Noisy family
My car(that was never mine)
A house with no flys because the frogs would eat them
Fast washing machine
All the families I worked for.
Carpet floors

The days are very different, not having work yet and having time up my hands. I really love the simple things in life through, like eating from my vege garden and cooking. Seeing Jamie's face when he sees dinner(they do say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach) Visiting Jamie's Oma and having a good chat over a cup of tea. Church activities. Knitting, I think I'm going to run out of wool. I have also been looking for work, sometimes it's an art to pick up interviews and at the moment its not working. We will get there in the end though.

You would think with all this time up my heands I would post regularly, but really I just think I'm not that kind of person. 
You would think with all of the time I have on my hands now days I would post regularly, I think you may be wishful thinking. I'm just not that good at making the time.

Tuesday 2 January 2018


It's hard to believe that another year awaits us. It feels like yesterday that 2017 was dawning.

So much has happened this year, so many thoughts, words and actions. A milestone year you could say.

My through wonder to what this next year will bring for Jamie and I. The joys and struggles that face us. 
So much can happen in a year and I think we can never understand that in our childhood, for each year feels long.
Now it flys by to fast in a way, each moment blending into another. Month into month year into year.
I used to be good at remembering the year and months things happened in, but no longer is that the case. I think my brain got to overloaded.

Time is precious, we need to make every minute count. To serve the Lord each breath, to show love and care. 
It's so easy in the business of life to forget why we were created. 
To glorify God and serve him forever!
My prayer is that you may remember this as you go through this year. That you may trully serve and love our God in all things.

May the Lord give you a blessed 
New year!