
Tuesday, 2 January 2018


It's hard to believe that another year awaits us. It feels like yesterday that 2017 was dawning.

So much has happened this year, so many thoughts, words and actions. A milestone year you could say.

My through wonder to what this next year will bring for Jamie and I. The joys and struggles that face us. 
So much can happen in a year and I think we can never understand that in our childhood, for each year feels long.
Now it flys by to fast in a way, each moment blending into another. Month into month year into year.
I used to be good at remembering the year and months things happened in, but no longer is that the case. I think my brain got to overloaded.

Time is precious, we need to make every minute count. To serve the Lord each breath, to show love and care. 
It's so easy in the business of life to forget why we were created. 
To glorify God and serve him forever!
My prayer is that you may remember this as you go through this year. That you may trully serve and love our God in all things.

May the Lord give you a blessed 
New year!

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